Friday, 13 November 2015

The Secular Saga

PM gave back-to-back speeches in British Parliament and Wembley stadium.The clarity of his words and vision resonated throughout the country.Yet,he still had to face the toughest questions on Gujarat riots.That too after being issued a clean-chit.If the issue still is a stain on him,this entirely owns its allegiance to the media.Media believes that even though Modi has been left,doubt lingers own.And whether there is any way to remove that doubt.Yes,of course.If you keep on electing the leftists and the media agenda remains fulfilled.So strong is media's conviction against Modi that even if The God appears to give a clean-chit to Modi,media will simply ask prove that you are not a Hindu God.But,first prove that you The God.Nevertheless a fairer question will be to ask will be whether The God has authority to issue a clean-chit.And what does The God knows about the legal system to decide on such an issue.Turning the question head-over-heals on what ground does the media challenges the stand taken by the SC?
Before we answer this question,lets dig a little to know just why did UK media raised such a sensitive issue within a highly successful tour?Because this single issue is too dear for our media-persons to let it take a backbench.And join it with the recent furore over intolerance in our country and you will realize what's the hottest news gossip available.What the Indian media has portrayed to the world at large is that we are soon going to face a genocide against Muslims in our country.That our country is just a mirror image of Pakistan,better still a Hindu Pakistan.Almost the entire country is up against the government to protect the secular ethos and all our legends are being crumpled(remember the good old days of emergency)."The situation is far worse than during emergency".Gentleman,far from saying it,if even you have thought about saying something like these during those golden ages of Indira Gandhi,you would have been languishing in jail.And your statement would have never appeared in media.Either you think the current generation knows nothing about the emergency or you think they are naive to be taught and tutored just anything.
True,some gruesome deaths have taken place.And some motor-mouth ministers have taken foolish stands over them.The ministers are much to be blamed.But so are the state government who failed to uphold the law.Their was not a systematic killing or a majority-backed genocide.Rationalist were killed by those disagreeing to their views and police failed to provide them security.This first of all impairs on their right to free speech.Everyone should feel free to express his views whatever that may be and then we should have civilized debates over them.The government should at least now so some efficiency and grab the killers.Why are they still at large and who is to be blamed for this failure?The Dadri lynching was no doubt a separate issue and directly related to the Hindu-Muslim conflict.The mob reaction was cruelly shocking.A systematic probe to grab all the culprits is the necessity of the day.But what the media tried to do was inflame the passions and develop a riot-like situation.Just no one,not even Hindus shared the views of the mob.Their was no spillover of the mob reaction.The decades of the 90's are long past.The media clamour was grabbed by the opposition and led to a series of award-vapasi program.The throat that never uttered a word when the nation stood by Anna Hazare on the anti-corruption plank or when the Delhi youths braved water canon in the cold December nights demanding justice for a rape victim,just in four years flat are crying tears of blood thanks to their "waken(raised will be a wrong word,it was sleeping)" conscience.When the national exchequer was robbed of amount in the tunes of 1.76 lakh crore in 2G scam and 1.86 lakh crore in coal scam(right under the eyes of then PM) not just the "idea" of India but the actual nation and its people were in for trouble.Nevertheless,in spite of all the awakening of conscience and the threat to democracy the state government though led by an opposition party,chose to keep quiet.Why?
All such media-headlines died last week and gave way to proclaiming Nitish Kumar's grand victory in Bihar elections on the plank of development as against the communal agenda of Modi and BJP.Riding on this plank of development alongside Nitish was the "social inclusion" champion Laloo who made a comeback.Bihar elections will remain a hallmark for showing that people prefer development over communal agenda.The penchant that people of Bihar have for development is infectious(it spilled over to UP,Jharkhand and now West Bengal).No doubt they elected the wonderful administrator that Laloo was for straight fifteen years.Fifteen years,fifteen long years of jungle-raj(the term was originally used by HC about Bihar government during Laloo's reign) was said to be an euphemism for social empowerment by our honoured jounalists.And much hailed development works by Nitish Kumar won JDU third highest vote in the assembly elections.Laloo started his campaign on a high note declaring it to be a fight between upper castes and lower castes.The media added the third dimension of communal agenda.This Bihar election result was decided to be a referendum on Modi's work in last eighteen months,the defeat to take the shine out of his UK visit.Not going into much details,he has launched  'Make in India' campaign to give a boost to manufacturing in India.Bihar does not have any industry worth its name.Employment opportunity is almost nil.The state has developed its roadways after sixty-seven years of independence.Electricity will reach probably before hundredth.India is the fastest growing economy,a world player.We will be developing world class cities and grab an UNSC seat which is not just a demand,but our just right.Too large and too powerful a nation our PM does represents and its very unkindly to judge him in the international arena by a state election and the tirade which was necessarily created to keep him down and out.

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